25 Jun 2012

Camping drawings

A few drawings made during some recent camping trips with the kids. Small format, mainly pencil, watercolour, and soluble crayon.

Tree line 1

Tree line 2

 Tree line 3


Feeding pig

Debden Woods


  1. o.k. I prefer the plain pencil drawings of the tree line and (don't laugh) I so see a face in the first clump of trees-spooky heh!
    Also I like Debden Woods-it looks sort of eerie but appealing with the long, bare trunks of the tress-also I probably like it as I am always drawn to these autumn colous but I guess you did it this weekend so not autumn-although it look like that to me!
    Where are your pictures of Claire with a migraine as I was thinking of trying to express how it feels to have a seizure through a card-weird I know but it is hard to describe a seizure to someone but I thought I might be able to express it through some form of art.

  2. Hi Sandie

    Thanks, as ever, for your fantastic feedback. Much appreciated.

    The images I think you are looking for can be found here:


    Feel free to use them if you would like, my only caveat is that you don't crop or collage them. Would prefer to keep them intact with the white of the paper around them.


