ink on paper
59 x 42.5 cm
13.07.11 Front1
59 x 42 cm
ink on paper
13.07.11 Right
27.5 x 20
pen and gesso on paper
13.07.11 Left
38 x 28 cm
ink on paper
13.07.11 Front2
16 x 12.5 cm
pencil on paper
Not only does this image challenge a few assumptions about the nature of drawing as a solo activity, it also raises an interesting question about authorship. If there is no one in charge of the creative process, whose drawing is it? It’s like a fantastic conversation with a group of friends. The conversation itself is the product of the collaborative interaction of the group, but no one person can claim ownership to the output. Like a conversation or a dance with a partner, this drawing is an unspoken interplay of decisions and contributions. Part of its charm lies in the feeling of having made these connections with other people through the mark making process.